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2014-4-1 4466 A- A+

        作者     地球卫士100
      Lower the Earth’s Temperature by Reflecting Sunlight
Heat generated by the Earth is 1 in 50,000 of the heat from the Sun.
Dissipated Heat = Generated Heat + Heat from the Sun.
It is acknowledged that the Earth itself can not dissipate heat, so we should help it do that artificially. According to the above formula, we know that sunlight is the main resource of the Earth's heat. Therefore, we can easily help the Earth dissipate heat by reflecting sunlight. Considering sunlight on the equator is most powerful, we can set up a light-reflecting area there. Other places can adjust temperature based on the above method but need to take air influences (such as satellites and airlines) into consideration.
USSR launched a man-made moon ninety-nine years ago, which ended in failure but proved the power of sunlight and the feasibility of our patent. We should be thankful for the failure; otherwise the Earth would be hotter.
  1. 鼓励白色、反光色 ,和反光材料。如(墙面 、 楼顶、 路面。。。。。。)鼓励使用和推广反光膜做防水,做防水要用带锡纸的油毡。
  1. 赤道定点定向强反光法。在赤道设反光带或反光区,搭建反光板、反光墙或做反光材料的屋顶这样更经济实惠还能节约隔热材料。
散热的方法很多最实用的就是这两种,它环保、 绿色、 成本低、 反光面积可调整。
1.    Encourage using white and light-reflecting materials on wall surfaces, tops of buildings and roadways; encourage using and promoting light-reflecting film and asphalt felt with tinfoil against waters; and
2.    Use the method of fixed-point and fixed-direction reflection. It is more economic and saves thermal-insulation materials by setting up a light-reflecting strip or area on the equator where we can install light-reflecting boards, construct light-reflecting walls or roofs with light-reflecting materials.
There are many methods to dissipate heat whereas the most practical are the two methods we mentioned above, which are environmental and low-cost and can adjust light-reflecting sizes.  
  1. 反光板是人工调节方向,下面带调节方向的垂坠可防风和定向反射。
  1. 反光材料可以用水银玻璃,它坚固耐用;另一种反光材料叫反光膜,是在塑料薄膜上铺一层锡纸,他携带方便、铺设简单、面积可大可小、方向可以随意调节、地点也不受太大限制。船只可用它防晒,楼顶、房顶可用它降温防雨,一举两得。但是它的反光效果和使用时间没有水银玻璃好。
  1. Directions of light-reflecting boards can be adjusted artificially. Drape under the board which direction also can be adjusted can prevent winds and reflect sunlight directionally; and
  1. Whereas Mercury glass is solid and durable, it can be used as light-reflecting material; another light-reflecting material is light-reflecting film which is made by laying silver paper on plastic film. It is easier to carry and lay. Its size and direction are also adjustable. There are few limitations on laying-film places. Ships can use it to prevent sunlight, and top roofs can use it to lower temperature and prevent rains. However, the former' light-reflecting effect is better than the latter and its service life is longer than the latter.   
〈2〉反光墙可直接固定在浅水区 、 岛上或陆地。但由于是固定的一定要计算好反射角度。反光墙分三面反射,早、 中、 晚、 三面,方向分别为东南 、 正南 、 西南,三个方向。(如图1)图1为“固定式三向反光墙”。
    1. Its reflecting direction is accurate and it can be suspended in the air owning to its small size. Each time zone can set up a light-reflecting strip with an area of 1 square kilometer (See Figure 2). Figure 2 shows “Light-reflecting Board with Wind-proof Drape”; and
    1. A light-reflecting wall can be fixed on shallow water, island or land directly. Considering that it is fixed, reflecting angle should be calculated carefully. It has three reflecting surfaces referring to morning, noon and night. Its directions are southeast, south, southwest (See Figure 1). Figure 1 shows “Fixed three-direction Light-reflecting Wall”.
It should be cleaned regularly.
Seeing that light beams are centralized, sunlight should not be reflected towards the Sun directly in case of shortening the life of the Sun or causing other damages.






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